Sunday, March 10, 2013

My First Blog...

What are you supposed to talk about in a blog? Why does it have such an ugly name? Sounds like a disgusting bodily function if you ask me.

  I guess I could just ramble on about random crap going on in my life....

     Working third shift plus going to school so I can get away from crummy factory/manufacturing work and ridiculous shifts such as the aforementioned hell can make life a bit hectic. Throw in prescription Paxil for generalized anxiety disorder and the roller coaster life of marriage and you have  a small slice of what I could "blog" about. Who reads these things? To quote Pink Floyd -"Is there anybody out there?"
                This is for an assignment in class and I've never blogged before so we will see how all this will turn out. Forgive me if I break some blogging rules or etiquette as I have no idea what I am doing. My page breaks and inserts and what not might be all over the place. I may not indent correctly or use the aesthetically correct format for my musings... I've heard of "professional" bloggers and maybe I should get some tips from them...I use professional in the loosest sense of the word--not to be a smart ass but come on--who gets paid to talk out of your butt for a living?  This is how I see the typical blogger:

Mr. Typical Blogger
Now that may be a stereotype of the average "hipster" but I have found in my years on Mother Earth that most stereotypes are true.  Actually as I sit here I notice how much that pic resembles the way I'm dressed right now...Doh!   Darn Stereotypes...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I get that same image when I think what a professional blogger looks like.
